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It’s Your Duty? Hmmm

Ever come across advice like this? “Come on sisters, you are your husband’s only halal outlet. You have to make yourself available to your husband.”

And the phrase that makes me cringe the most …. “It’s your duty!”

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Love is IN the Body

Love is IN the Body!by Megan Wyatt, Founder of Wives of JannahToo much time is spent trying to understand love. For all our discussions, talking, and rationalizing how to experience more love, better love, and deeper love – most people find they are still in the same exact place where they started. Frustrating if you […]

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3 Simple (& Free) Ways to Improve Your Marriage

3 Straight Forward Ways to Improve Your Marriageby Megan Wyatt, Founder of Wives of Jannah Here are three straight forward ways you can improve your relationship which cost you nothing and many people spend hundreds of dollars discovering after their relationship is in a lot of pain. 1) Touch often. It goes without saying that touch is […]

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